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Monday, September 29, 2008

Taking a Short Recess

Dear 3.5 faithful readers. I regret to inform you that I am taking a small break from blogging. As much as I would love to continue bastardizing the English language and making you somewhat giggle at the things in my brain, duty calls. Between home rennovation, which I detailed the reasons for in a previous post, as well as the impending release of our pride and joy, the knowledge base, here at work I am unable to keep up with the slackery that is blogging.

Don't worry, though. I'm still compiling a few posts in my spare few minutes and will deliver them with much gusto when I return sometime in October. On the docket are a few tasty morsels such as The House That Mongo Bought, My Pick For President and The Greatest High Schoolers On Film: Honor Roll. These with a few holiday themed posts will promise to roll a few eyes if not extort laughter from your souls. Fear not, Mongo will return.

Until then, snoop around at some older posts and have fun. Click on a few ads, buy some Mongo shorts, it's all good. Take care you crazy kids.

Mongo out.

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